Your purchase may have been refused for one-off reasons. You may have entered some incorrect data from your card. In this case, try again. Or, the bank or operator may not have authorized the transaction. To clarify and solve the problem, contact the operator's service center directly.
The delivery time for each product varies according to the quantity of your order, as well as the zip code of the delivery region. Therefore, to know the real deadline, calculate zip code and deadline before finalizing your purchase.
Yes, you can send an e-mail to dock.store@billypow.com.br with the changes and/or information you wish to modify.
Yes, in addition to the customer panel, all steps of the purchase are confirmed in the registration e-mail. Thus, our customers follow their order step by step, until final delivery.
Yes, through our site it is possible to pay the value of your order in installments. See interest and fees in the shopping cart.
We accept all major credit cards, including: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Elo, Hipercard, Diners, Discover, Aura and JCB. In addition, our customers can pay via Bank slip. Consult payment methods for orders of large quantities.
We count on a team specialized in customer service. In addition, we have 24-hour support  through our system e-mail dock.store@billypow.com.br or +5511 91584-7786. Above all, we always strive to provide an excellent browsing experience, so you can purchase the official Dock Store products.